• Prof. Rao has been elected as an OSA fellow 
  • OFT Lab has been selected as the Innovation Team of Ministry of Education of China
  • OFT Lab has been selected as the 111 Innovation Base for Exchanging
  •  Prof. Rao has been elected as an SPIE fellow
Optical Fiber Technology Lab

Optical Fiber Technology Research Laboratory (OFT Lab) is one of the great groups in School of Communication and Information Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC). This group is devoted to optical fiber sensing and devices. Under the strong supports of national “985 Project” and “211 Project”, the platform has been invested more than 20 million RMB, which includes Laser micro-fabrication, sensor manufacturation, Micro/Nano structure characterization testing, sensor and device testing. We have the ability of independent fabrication, testing and packaging of optical fiber components and systems.......[Details]

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