Distinguished Alumni
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Dr. Yiping Wang
Professor, Shenzhen University, winner of the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations, Humboldt scholar in Germany, Marie Curie scholar in UK (Senior level)
Professor, Shenzhen University, winner of the National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations, Humboldt scholar in Germany, Marie Curie scholar in UK (Senior level)
Dr. Tao Zhu
Professor, Chongqing University, winner of "talents program in the new century” of Education Ministry of China.
Professor, Chongqing University, winner of "talents program in the new century” of Education Ministry of China.
Dr. Zengling Ran
Associate Professor, UESTC, Distingushed Young Scholar of UESTC.
Associate Professor, UESTC, Distingushed Young Scholar of UESTC.
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