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- [1]X. P. Liu, T. T. Wang, Y. Wu*, Y. Gong, Y. J. Rao, Dual-Parameter Sensor Based on Tapered FBG Combined With Microfiber Cavity, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Accepted, 2014.
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- [1] Y. Wu, B. C. Yao, Y. Cheng, Y. J. Rao, Y. Gong, W. L. Zhang, Z. G. Wang, Y. F. Chen, Hybrid graphene-microfiber waveguide for chemical gas sensing, Journal of Selected Topics on Quantum Electronics, 2013, accepted.
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- [1] Y. J. Rao, W. L. Zhang, J. M. Zhu, Z. X. Yang, Z. N. Wang, X. H. Jia, Hybrid lasing in an ultra-long ring fiber laser, Optics Express, 20(20), 22563-22568 (2012).
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